01 Exchange, first DEX to list GMT-PERP, up to 20x Leverage!

01 Exchange
1 min readApr 21, 2022


01 exchange is incredibly excited to announce the release of the much anticipated and requested $GMT Perpertual Futures market in Solana’s premiere fully decentralized derivatives exchange. Starting today, traders will be able to long & short GMT using over 7 different collaterals, cross-collateralized and cross-margined, at 01.xyz.

To start trading, simply make a deposit using either your Metamask, Phantom or Terra wallet and place your trade. Deposited collateral also accrues passive yield through 01’s automated borrow lending pools.

About 01 Exchange

01 Exchange is a fully decentralized orderbook-based derivatives exchange on Solana, supporting perpetual futures and power perpetuals. It features an on-chain limit orderbook through a deep integration with Project Serum, cross-collateralization, powerful cross-margining, and yield-earning deposits, all without sacrificing on decentralization. To learn more about 01 Exchange, visit https://01.xyz/ or https://twitter.com/01_exchange.

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